Product Details
Size: 7.5′
Length: 165′
Weight: 200 lbs
Material: Class 1 Hot Dipped Galvanized
Steel Strength: 12.5 Gauge (Heavy Duty)
Product Description
7.5′ x 165′
Hinge Joint
12.5 Gauge Throughout
4″ x 6″ Hole structure for first 6′ progresses to 6″ x 8″
Works great for protecting gardens and fruit trees from moose. Perfect for bison and elk too.
Heavy duty game fence 7.5′ x 165′ is constructed from class 1 hot dipped galvanized steel and offers a 12.5-gauge strength, making it the ideal farm fencing solution for containing bison, elk, and other large game. All heavy duty game fence 7.5′ x 165′ products come with a 4″-x-6″-hole structure for the first 6′, which progresses into a 6″-x-8″-hole structure. This type of heavy duty game fence also comes with hinge joints for added durability that can withstand the everyday wear and tear of containing large animals.
No matter what type of game fence design you are looking for, our team can help you find the ideal heavy duty game fencing for your exact needs. Get in touch with the game fence experts from Alaska Farm Supply to find out how much game fence costs or to learn more about heavy duty game fence 7.5′ x 165′.