Veterinary health related products. Stay tuned for additional products!…
Gauze Pad Rolls (Stocked Product), $1
Suitable for dressing all kinds of wounds & a must-have for your livestock first aid...
Vet Wrap (Stocked Product), $2.50 – $3.25
Our 2", 3" and 4" multicolored self adherent, cohesive & elastic properties make the perfect...
Wound Cleanser Antiseptic (Stocked Product), $8
Gentle & effective cleaning action helps remove debris, bacteria & other contaminants from wounds...
Livestock & Pet Wound Healing Spray (Stocked Product), $9
Wound & extract healing spray for skin scrapes & injuries, prevents infection, keloids, inflammation, protection...
Nitrile Medical Gloves (Stocked Product), $9
The preferred nitrile rubber glove by many health care providers! Comfortable, ambidextrous, powder free &...
Apple Flavor Ivermectin (Stocked Product), $11.50
Durvet Ivermectin deworming paste 1.87% apple flavor removes worms & bots with a single dose...
DuraMectin (Stocked Product), $11.50
Kills important internal parasites including bots and the arterial stages of S vulgaris with a...
Safe-Guard Equi-bits De-wormer (Stocked Product), $18
Lets deworm in a single dose treatment! Safe for horses, including foals & pregnant mares...
Apple Elite Electrolyte (Stocked Product), $22
Replaces vital minerals & electrolytes lost during exercise, illness, stress & extreme hot & cold...
Multi-Species B-12 (Stocked Product), $41
Aids livestock in times of stress due to illness, stimulates appetite for proper growth. Oxygenates...
Pink Eye Spray (Stocked Product), $39.50
Hypochlorous technology solution designed for pink eyes, cleaning, irrigating & flushing. Safe & effective!...
Safeguard Goat Dewormer (Available February 25th), $35
Removes & controls: Stomach worms, Lungworms, Hookworm, Nodular worms, etc...
Sheep & Goat B-12 (Stocked Products), $35 & $19
Key to red blood cell production, nervous system function, sperm production, normal growth & immune...
Durvet Vitamin B Complex, (Stocked Product), $18
Ensures livestock recover swiftly from stress, 100 mcg of B12 & 100 mg of B1...
Swine Dewormer (Stocked Product), $26
Keeps pigs in prime condition and provides exceptional coverage against intestinal parasites...
Diatomaceous Earth (Stocked Product), $25
Excellent natural supplement (25lb bags) for digestive health, dewormer & provides shinier, healthier coats...
Pick-No-More Lotion (Stocked Product), $11
A proven peck control product that prevents cannibalism/picking and pecking! Comes in a convenient squeeze...
Lice & Mite Poultry Spray (Arriving in March), $19
Spray coops & directly on poultry (chicken, ducks & turkeys). Kills insects that pester your...
Garden & Poultry Dust (Stocked Product), $17.75
Great on all poultry! Controls mites & lice inside coops & prevents garden & vegetable...
Flock Leader Recovery 911 (Stocked Product), $18
Uniquely formulated with the right mix of probiotics, prebiotics, electrolytes, oregano and plasma to help...
Flock Leader Arrive (Stocked Product), $14
Formulated with the right mix of probiotics, prebiotics, and plasma to support newly hatched &...
Save-A-Chick Electrolyte & Vitamin Supplement (Stocked Product), $6
Supports hydration & bird health after hatching & during stress (3-pack). Formulated specifically for chickens...
Poultry & Waterfowl Liquid B-12 (Stocked Product), $26
Super concentrated with 10,000 mcg. of pure B-12 per ounce, premium vitamin supplement for all...
Braiding Spray (Stocked Product), $20
The secret to professional braiding! Provides total mane & tail control that offers the perfect...
Powder Coat (Stocked Product), $24
Naturally derived ingredients such as Dead Sea Clay that helps with chafing fungus & pathogenic...
Detangler & Shine (Stocked Product), $36
Instantly detangles & strengthens weakened or brittle hair while working to keep a natural healthy...
Hoof Jet (Stocked Product), $16
Makes cleaning 10x easier! Perfect for horses coming in from the field! Get mud out...
Teeth Grinding Ratten Balls (Stocked Product), $1.50
These colorful grass chew toys grind teeth & are excelant for releasing stress & pressure...