BEAVER GOAT MINERAL 7P-16CA 50lb & 3lb, $42 & $7

A high-quality premium mineral designed with levels of macro-minerals, trace minerals and vitamins to nutritionally support a goat fed on primarily grass hay or pasture. Salt is provided to properly encourage the correct consumption and nutritional level. Please use this product as the sole source of salt, as additional salt sources may effect proper consumption levels.

  14% Calcium Min
  16% Calcium Max
  7% Phosphorous
  25% Salt Min
  28% Salt Max
  1500 ppm Copper  

BEAVER SHEEP MINERAL 7P-16CA 25lb and 3lb, $28 & $7

A high-quality premium mineral designed with levels of macro-minerals, trace minerals and vitamins to nutritionally support a sheep fed on primarily grass hay or pasture. Salt is provided at a level to properly encourage the correct consumption and nutritional level. Please use this product as the sole source of salt, as additional salt sources will effect proper consumption levels.

  14% Calcium Min
  16% Calcium Max
  7% Phosphorous  
  3% Magnesium      
  25% Salt Min  

BEAVER CATTLE PREMIX 6P-12CA 50lb and 3lb, $40 & $7

A high-quality premium mineral designed with levels of macro-minerals, trace minerals and vitamins to nutritionally support cattle fed on primarily grass hay or pasture. Salt is provided to properly encourage the correct consumption and nutritional level. Please use this product as the sole source of salt, as additional salt sources may effect proper consumption levels.

  12% Calcium Min
  15% Calcium Max
  6% Phosphorous  
  26% Salt Min            
  28% Salt Max  

Goat, Sheep & Cattle Minerals (Stocked Products)